Monday, March 11, 2019

Brian Wood's Motivational Tips For Home Business Owners Part 5

Fifth Lesson - Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners

Well, we have come to the final lesson in the Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners Crash Course. I sure hope you have enjoyed your lessons and learned a lot about staying motivated as you grow your home business.

In this last lesson, we are going to go over a few more tips that will help you stay motivated and increase productivity in your business

Anyone can get motivated if they do certain things that help them to stay focused and excited about moving forward. In this article, we review three simple ways to give yourself a boost that will keep you excited.

- Reward yourself

When you attain goals that you set for yourself, or after achieving your dream. Sometimes we neglect to appraise ourselves for the little achievements we make along the way. Remember that many people may not see the small steps you take in life which makes it even harder when people around you sometimes don't appreciate what you do.

Learn to always give yourself a pat on the back. Treat yourself to a movie or some candlelit bath or a sleep in every time you attain your goal. Maintain a reward all the time as this will lead you to getting to your long term goals where the reward is much bigger. This will give you the momentum you need to keep pushing forward.

- Read success stories

Reading the history of people that have overcome huge hurdles in life will inspire you to believe in yourself and understand that if it can happen for them then it is possible for you. This will surely motivate you to keep moving forward. When you think of what others have had to overcome in their journey of life then it keeps you in the mode of moving forward because at times your problems are not as big compared to others.

Get yourself motivational books, DVDs, listen and watch what they say. This messages will keep you excited and in a positive mind. Keep watching as many times as you can as this will cause the brain to digest and understand.

- Learn from failure

Failure can often be a good learning lesson; it doesn’t have to define you or end your dreams. Instead, learn from it and move on to the next step. It only becomes a failure if you quit. Many individuals find it difficult to get over a mistake which is natural for anyone to make but the only difference is how fast you move on. When you take the time to learn from your failure you gain a wealth of experience.

These experiences will often serve some sort of purpose in your life and can help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. Without some failures in life, it can hard to realize your full potential, will power and strength.

When it comes to increasing productivity there are several steps you can take that will help you keep your business better organized.

- List and prioritize

This will enable you to define and prioritize the things you need to accomplish. Break your tasks into manageable parts to allow you to do them quicker. When possible begin with the most difficult task, once completed, you will easily get through the remaining work quickly. You should give your tasks a time limit, that way you will be able to avoid procrastination and get more done.

- Avoid distractions

Email, social media and general browsing in most cases is a huge distraction that can stop you from completing your tasks. Try to avoid them especially when you need to concentrate or complete a task before the set deadline.

If you find this hard to do you can try using an app like Rescue Time to help identify and understand your daily habits so you can eliminate time wasting activities and focus on being more productive.

- Stay organized

Even when you work from home it is important to keep your workspace clean and clutter free. Take time to develop a workable routine and use a calendar to schedule everything. It doesn’t matter whether it is paper or electronic. Use a color-coding system to indicate what type of appointments and tasks you have scheduled. When you have a timeline to follow you will find that you will get a lot more done and you will feel less overwhelmed.

As we close this final lesson I would like to thank you again for joining me for this short course. I sincerely hope that you have learned a lot about how to stay motivated as you grow your home business and even though your lessons have come to an end you can still feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I will be glad to help.

Until then,

B Wood

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