Monday, March 4, 2019

Brian Wood's Motivational Tips For Home Business Owners Part 3

Third Lesson - Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners   

It’s Brian Wood, with your third lesson in the Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners Crash Course.

Today we are going to talk about how to stay motivated even when you're in a slump.
As we have discussed before there are times when every business owner experiences motivational slumps where they just don’t feel like doing anything, despite the fact that there are goals, schedules, and tasks that need to be accomplished. There is just no drive to keep moving forward.

The good news is that even when there is a lack of motivation there is still that hope and desire to succeed. The trick is to find ways to keep moving forward even when you are feeling unmotivated.

- Positive thinking

One strategy is to try and switch your way of thinking, from the negative to the positive. Negative thoughts don’t do you any good they only hold you back, especially when it comes to running a business. While this may not seem like a big deal, taking the time to recognize negative thoughts and thinking about positive ways to combat them can really help increase motivation and your desire to succeed.

- Commitment

Another good strategy for staying motivated simply requires a commitment to never quitting or giving up on the task at hand. Even though it can be easier to just throw in the towel and give up it is very important to find a way to continue forward even if it takes longer than anticipated. To accomplish this, try to focus on how you will feel after you have reached your goal and it will help increase your motivation.

Even though continually maintaining your motivation will have its ups and downs and can be one of the hardest things you’ll do if you can find the drive to keep moving towards your goals you will find that you are much happier and self-confident.

- Immersion

When you are trying to run and grow a business it’s important to strive for success and one way you can do that is by totally immersing yourself in the task at hand. This is a great way to not only be motivated towards reaching a goal but also an inspirational technique that helps keep a positive attitude even when you are faced with challenges.

- Small steps

Lastly, when you are feeling overwhelmed and less than motivated try taking smaller steps instead of large strides. As we have been learning through these lesson being unmotivated is something that can take a toll on your life and your business. It leads to feelings of inadequacy which only triggers the cycle of self-doubt which is no fun at all and tends to make you feel like doing even less. This sort of mental block can literally make it impossible to think straight let alone get anything done.

By breaking down tasks, taking small steps and doing a little bit at a time you can achieve small goals which will help make you feel more productive, increase your motivation and inevitably make it possible to reach the end result you are hoping for.

That's it for today's lesson. In your next lesson, we are going to go over some quick tips for staying motivated in any situation.

Unitl then,

B. Wood

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